Previously known as Chem Connections (INDIA), ChemConn is amongst the biggest chemical procurement consultant/service provider in India.
Since being established in the year 2004, ChemConn has been dedicatedly providing sourcing services to about 25 international chemical distributors spread across the globe. Through its wide and ever-growing network of over 500 quality suppliers, ChemConn caters to diverse product requirements in fields of specialty, commodity / industrial chemicals, and ingredients. We ensure that our partners receive the most cost-efficient deals while never foregoing the ethics of trade and preserving our partners’ interests in the highly competitive Indian market. Through all this, and more, ChemConn constantly seeks and offers opportunities for new business development, thereby presenting a fairly wholesome model of trade to its current and prospective partners.
Operating as a sister company of ChemConn, CMP has been engaged in sourcing products from lucrative markets like Korea, China, Malaysia, Taiwan and other South East Asian countries. In its decade long run of catering to non-competing partners from all over the world, CMP has consistently succeeded in providing its partners with the best sourcing solutions, carefully chosen from the densely populated chemical markets of these SEA countries.
Engaged in the production of Chlorinated Paraffins and Hydrochloric Acid since 2005, Competent Polymers boasts an annual production of 7000 MT, generating an annual turnover of over USD 5 Million. Now catering to buyers from all over India, Competent has become a renowned and trusted brand name in the Indian chemical industry.
Producing around 168 kilo tons of the widely conduced CTC tea, Reliance Tea supplies all over India including major tea brands such as Hindustan Unilever, Tata Tea, Tetley, Girnar etc. Since commencing production in 2002, Reliance has garnered a name for quality among its suppliers many of whom further export its tea across the globe.